Our packages cover antenatal, birth, and postnatal care — as well as offering hypnobirthing classes.
Midwifery packages

Private midwifery care including:
All antenatal and postnatal appointments for 6 weeks post birth (eligible for Medicare rebates with a GP referral) and intrapartum (labour) care in the home with a second midwife.

Antenatal & postnatal care
Private midwifery care including:
Private midwifery care involving all antenatal and postnatal appointments for 6 weeks post birth (eligible for Medicare rebates with a GP referral) including birth preparation. (Does not include being present for the birth).

Education package
Up to 6 hrs of one-on-one education including:
Antenatal education and birth preparation including how to navigate the hospital system, your options for birth, support during birth, mindset and relaxation techniques, movement and positions for labour & birth and birth planning and what if things differ from normal.

Individualised package
Tailor a package to suit your needs.
Bundle a one-on-one birth preparation with birth support and post-natal care. One-hour appointments available when you want them including:
- Antenatal or post-natal appointments (Medicare rebates apply with GP referral) $200 EACH
- Educational/birth preparation appointments $500
- Birth support in hospital $1500

Midwifery packages
Please note a non-refundable deposit of $150 is required at time of booking with the remainder of the course fee to be paid 14 days prior to the start date of the course.
Private package
12 hours split into 4x 3hr sessions one-on-one at times to suit you.
Group package
12 hours split into 4x 3hr sessions in a group setting either four consecutive weeknights or two consecutive weekends
Online with 90 minute follow up
Self-directed at your own pace whenever suits you and your partner with a 90-minute follow-up.
Online with 3 hour follow up
Self directed at your own pace whenever suits you and your partner with a 3 hour follow up with me