Through continuity of care & midwifery support, Ballarat Midwifery works to empower couples to birth their baby with confidence.

Antenatal care
Regular appointments in the comfort of your own home.
Eligible for private health insurance rebates with a GP referral*
- Monthly appointments until 32 weeks then fortnightly and weekly until birth
- Includes birth preparation, debrief previous birth, birth plan and mapping
- Evidence-based education on common tests and procedures
- Longer appointment allowing time for discussion, education and getting to know each other
- Routine Maternal Blood Pressure & Heart Rate, Fetal Heart Rate monitoring, abdomindal palpation and fundal height measurements

Post-natal care
In home support after birth/discharge from hospital.
Eligible for medicare rebates with a GP referral*
- Daily appointments for the first week then weekly up to six weeks post-natal
- Tailored to your needs ie. Breastfeeding support, education on newborn patterns & behaviours, settling techniques

Hospital birth
Hospital resources and continuity care with the support of your midwife.
Eligible for medicare rebates with a GP referral*
- Midwife on call for the birth from 37 weeks
- Birth in your choice of Ballarat hospital
- Support at home before transfer to the hospital
- Midwifery support in the hospital during labour
- Access to midwife 24/7 for advice via telephone during labour (if you’d prefer privacy in the hospital)

Midwifery care with two experienced homebirth midwives at the birth.
Eligible for medicare rebates with a GP referral*
- Support during labour
- Guidance during labour regarding positioning, comfort measures, water immersion, accupressure, & massage
- Referral to Maternal Child Health Nurse
- Back up booking at local public hospital

Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program & Positive Caesarean Birth Program
Approach birth with a positive & confident mindset.
Eligible for private health insurance rebates*
- Help your birthing experience to be positive and empowering
- Approach birth without fear and with knowledge, good support, and tools
- Personalised and tailored to experience in the local Ballarat hospitals
- Choose group, private or self-directed classes
- Optional follow-ups and ongoing support via email
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